Check if string is uppercase (Javascript)

programmer word in capital case

In this very short article, we will learn how to check if the string is uppercase.

Let’s start with the very obvious and easy method by creating a function for it.

function checkUppercase (string) {


And we will just compare the string with string .upperCase (will take a string and make it uppercase) and return the boolean

function checkUppercase (string) {
  if (string === string.toUpperCase()) {
    return true
  } else {
    return false

or a slightly shorter version:

function checkUppercase(string) {
  return string === string.toUpperCase()

and for some extra safety because there are apparently cases where punctuation, and numbers are a problem but personally snippet above worked without a problem. But if you want one extra check here it is:

function checkUppercase(string) {
   return string== string.toUpperCase() && string!= string.toLowerCase()

And that’s how you check if the string is uppercase in javascript.

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